Come to the feast of heaven and earth!
Come to the table of plenty!
God will provide for all that we need,
Here at the table of plenty.
On April 7th, 2018 St. Mary of the Angels Fraternity opened a soup kitchen at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Gary, Indiana. The mission was to not only provide a meal but also fellowship to those who attended. The groundwork for this was laid by those who had been traveling to the near west side of Chicago in service to the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity at their soup kitchen once a month. We peeled potatoes, cut up vegetables, washed trays and dishes and served the food. Rewarding as this was, we felt the need to interact with those who came, more personally.
O come and sit at my table
Where saints and sinners are friends.
To share the cup of my love.
Bishop Donald Hying gave us his blessing and arranged for our access to St. Joseph the Worker and the Pastor, Father Kevin and his assistant Marta. The first Saturday we served 17 meals including carry outs.
We begin all meals with prayer and blessing, holding hands, prior to the pandemic. We actively engage our guests as servants and friends. Trying to satisfy their needs by providing food and listening hearts, our mission is in the Franciscan tradition. Some of our guests have been with us since the beginning even though we had to relocate. Jesus, L.T., Casey (until he passed away) and John followed us to the old St. Mark Church.
We have had inspiring interactions and events. One guest told us that the night he was going to end his life, he saw the sign for a free meal the next day and decided he would wait and come to the meal. He even gave his testimony to a group of youngsters who were helping serve the following week, crediting our soup kitchen with saving his life. One of the kids (Pete) who heard his story entered the RCIA program and was baptized and confirmed the following year. People share their life experiences, problems and successes. There is laughter and sometimes tears. We have evolved into what our vision foresaw. We are not just a soup kitchen (there is nothing wrong with being just a soup kitchen).
O come and eat without money
come to drink without price.
My feast of gladness will feed your spirit
With faith and fullness of life.
We are able to provide because of those who provide us. Members of the fraternity, parishioners of St John Evangelist Church, individuals, grocery stores and school systems have made contributions. Each Saturday, an individual or a group will plan and prepare or help to prepare the meal. Even though we offer to reimburse expenses; quite often the meals are donated. We receive monetary contributions from our members and others. We receive bakery items and sundry goods from the local grocery store every Saturday. We have even received end of the year excess from a school system that normally would have been wasted. Clearly where there is need, there are benefactors anxious to provide.
My bread will ever sustain you
through days of sorrow and woe.
My wine will flow like a sea of gladness
to flood the depths of your soul.
We invite (prior to the pandemic) the outside groups to not only help in preparation and serving; but to also sit among our guests and interact with them. Everyone who has participated has felt a spiritual uplifting and joy. This is the most satisfying part of the experience in everyone’s opinion.
We have expanded to St Ann Church, serving there three Saturdays a month, plus providing for Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity women’s shelter and Brothers Keepers men’s shelter weekly. If we have leftovers, there are various locations that are served. We now serve, on average 275-300 meals each Saturday. As followers of St. Francis, we are called not only to pray but also to serve.
Your fields will flower in fullness;
your homes will flourish in peace.
For I, the giver of home and harvest,
will send my rain on the soil.
Once the pandemic was declared over, we resumed our personal interaction with our guests who we also consider extended family. We share our meals, our ears, our hearts and consider ourselves blessed to do so. We serve every Saturday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME.